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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Birthday Cake Revelations

Sometimes I wonder why adults don’t look more to kids for advice. Their simplicity and innocent little natures can be quite insightful at times. Maybe if we took a more simplistic approach in certain matters the world wouldn’t be so corrupt.

The old saying that “kids say the darndest things” is so incredibly true. In one phrase a child can solve a problem, calm you down and make you take a step back and reevaluate a situation.

In my household that is common place. My three year old Peanut always makes me stop and have a “huh moment”. I find myself constantly asking did she really just say that?

Last night was no different. Princess, Peanut and I were hanging out watching American Idol. That is my Princess’s favorite show and has been since she was like three or four. I was working on edits for Clandestine and trying to decide who I thought should be kicked off this week.

Peanut came up to me like usual toting a delectable treat for me to pretend eat. This time it was on a coaster. The food was still of course a Lego but this time it was my birthday cake. Of course my birthday isn’t until September but I was still completely appreciative.

I started to pick up the Lego confection when she stopped me and said…

“Mommy, you gotta blow da candles out.”

I said, “Oh I am so sorry. What was I thinking?” I then proceeded to suck in a deep breath to blow out the candles on my yummy pretend cake.

Peanut stopped me again. “Mommy you gotta make a whish.”

I smiled and apologized again. I closed my eyes real tight and pretended like I was thinking of the perfect wish.

“Mommy, tell me your wish,” chortles Peanut.

“I don’t know peanut, what do you think I should wish for?” I asked her.

She got really excited and said the following. “Say what I say…”

*Keep in mind that I’m repeating her after each sentence.*

Peanut continued. “When I’m sixteen… I wanna drive a car… so fix my eyes…”

I couldn’t even repeat the last part when she said that. I never would have realized that my three year old would have enough insight to know that driving would be a wish for me but that I would need my eyes fixed in order to do so. I must admit that tears swelled my eyes and I laughed a laugh that was happiness mixed with sadness.

I love my two daughters so much and truly don’t know what I would do without them. They remind me every day that life is worth living. Without them I wouldn’t be me. They are honest to God Blessings. They drive me insane and I’ll probably go prematurely grey but they are mine and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

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