!Now Available!

Clandestine, the first installment in the Young Adult Paranormal series Bound In Blood is available in both Print and EBook. It can be purchased at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Create Space

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Little About Me and A Little About Book News

I am a twenty-eight year old mommy. I have two daughters that are ten and three. They are a hand full but I wouldn't have it any other way. They are my life and without them I wouldn't be me.

I am blind. I have Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP), COATS disease, Glaucoma and Nystagmous. I wasn't born blind but I've always been legally blind. When I was a kid I could get around without the use of a cane and could do everything other kids did back then. I have only been like a bat for about ten years or so. I have another blog and it's main topic is the brighter side to blindness. It has funny stories of times in my life that I promise you are all true. It also has educational information and videos about Blind People Doing Big Things. You can find it on my profile or at http://www.playingtheblindcard.blogspot.com

I am pretty sure that I have chosen a cover designer for my book Clandestine. I never thought in a million years I'd be able to afford a designer for my first book but here we are. She is more than affordable and from what my friends say does fantastic work. I am so excited to see what she does with Clandestine's cover!  Right now we are just bouncing ideas around but I hope to have plans finalized soon:)

I am using Create Space and Smash Words to publish my book in both Print and Ebook formats. I really want to publish it in audio for my blindy following from my other blog Playing The Blind Card but holy crap is that expensive! The cheapest I've found is still over TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS!!! If this book takes off like I hope it does I will look into audio options but for now there's no way I can afford it.

 When you are reading a book do you ever analyze the style and development and think wow! I am currently reading the Immortal Instruments series again. I am so in love with the language of the books. It might be a young adult series but I know several adults who get just as much enjoyment out of it.

I'm excited about this new blog and hope after reading the this post you will deside to subscribe. Don't forget to click on the "Clandestine" link to read a little description about the book. I plan to upload the first chapter soon so keep an eye out!

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