!Now Available!

Clandestine, the first installment in the Young Adult Paranormal series Bound In Blood is available in both Print and EBook. It can be purchased at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Create Space

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Help Support An Author

Do you love books? Seriously can't get enough of them? Have you ever wondered how you could shout from the roof tops about your latest favorite author? This post will give you some ideas.

If it wasn't for authors, you wouldn't be able to sate your craving for good literature. They are what feed your addiction and give you amazing books to charish.

Whether an author is new or an established celebrity of the literary world, they still need all the support they can get. One of the best ways for them to market is through their readers.

Let's just say Jane reads a book. When she's done she loves it and wants more. So she jumps on her computer writes a review on Amazon raving about the novel. This will show other readers the book is worth picking up. Many people trust the word of a fellow consumer over the word of a top notch reviewer in a big name magazine.

So... there was way number one to support an author. Review... review.... review! If you loved it go write a few sentences about why. What was your favorite part? Who was your favorite character? Did you enjoy the plot and dialogue? What about the writing style?

Next Jane figures if she's going to write a review on the retail site where she purchased it, she might as well keep going. So, she clicks on through to Good Reads and puts her fabulous review there. Good Reads is one of the widely used social networking sites in regards to books. If you haven't been their yet, what are you waiting for? It is a great community of authors, readers, reviewers, bloggers, etc. It's basically like Facebook, but for books.

There are other great sites that are similar to Good Reads. It's all a matter of preference. Choose one that's right for you and sign up. They are a lot of fun.

This of course was way number two...

Next Jane decides to hit up all her other favorite social networking sites. She logs into places like Facebook Twitter Tumblr Dig and of course the list goes on and on and on. There are oodles of networking sites out there. Jane decides to plug the book on all the one's she's registered with. She tells all her friends to check out the book.

Well, if Jane has a hundred friends, she just marketed the book to all of those people. If even one person likes or shares Jane's post, then they've just marketed it to all of their friends. It turns into a chain reaction and suddenly the word gets out to thousands. Now, all of these wonderful people can enjoy the book Jane loved and help an author at the same time.

That was way number three...

Along the same line of logic... An authors page on Amazon, their blog, Barnes & Noble, etc all will more than likely have some kind of social networking button. You can like it, share it, pin it and lord knows what else. If you're not a social networking goo-roo it will probably have an option to send it to friends in an email. This is a great way to show your support. Authors will love to see you are a fan and in some cases, will even chat with you about the book if you like.

This was way number four...

Last but not least, use your words. When your at work, a coffee shop or grocery store, tell people. Spread the word. I'm constantly telling people about my favorite books.

Hopefully I've given you a few ideas. Even if you don't want to go as far as Jane, hop on over and press the like button on a book or author page of your favorite retail website. It only takes a second and it would mean a lot to that author.

Not sure you can? How about we practice?

My Amazon Author Page
My Facebook Page

If you can master these two... you can do anything:)

But seriously though, I really would appreciate the help too. Thanks for reading and I hoped you enjoyed this:)

The Autograph I'll Never Forget

I went to a concert with Princess. It was for a country singer named Craig Campbell at the local fair in my small hole in the wall town. He’s a down home country boy with an adorable southern accent.

Even not being able to see, I thoroughly enjoyed myself at the concert and would go and see him again no questions asked. He sang not only his own awesome songs but also those by artists such as Alabama, Merl Haggerd, Tracy Bird, etc.

He was a very personable entertainer that had the crowd laughing on several occasions. What was more powerful still was the way everyone cheered for the songs they knew and even for those they didn’t. They stomped there feet loud enough that at times it sounded like thunder rolling through the stadium and often clapped in time with his beats.

The crowd on the ground worked hard for Craig’s attention and some were lucky enough to get a free T-Shirt or in the case of one young lady a story to tell. She had purchased a pair of Craig Campbell sunglasses from the merchandise booth and she handed them up to the singer while he was performing. He gladly took them and even wore them through part of one of his songs. He used her camera and took a picture of himself wearing her glasses. This of course gave me an idea.

I leaned over and asked my friend, “Do you think he would sign my cane?”

She thought there was a decent chance of it so she led me as well as Princess down on the ground in front of the stage. We were close enough to it that I could touch the floor of it. Every time he started our way my friend had me raise the cane up high tilted towards the stage. She attached a sharpie pen to the elastic band that is connected to the handle. Unfortunately though Craig didn’t see our efforts because that was around the time he was tossing out T-Shirts to people.

After the concert he was kind enough to stay long enough for everyone who wanted an autograph could get one. The line was gynormous and I thought we would be there for hours. It moved fairly quickly though once it got going. I bought Princess a shirt that she could have signed and excitement was vibrating off of her as we moved through the line. She wanted me to get in a picture with him and her when we got up there but I admit I was apprehensive. I don’t normally like pictures even on a regular circumstance. So… you can imagine my predicament when little Miss Princess wants me to pose with a celebrity.

When we got up for our turn with Craig he signed my daughter’s shirt and was very friendly. I felt silly directly asking him to sign my cane and started to lose my nerve. My friend however, did not.

Once she asked he accepted of course with no issue. The smart ass in me came out in full force and I said…

Me: I tried to get you to sign it while you were singing but you didn’t see it.
Craig: I saw you… you were the one over there
Me: Well than why didn’t you sign it?
Craig: I didn’t know you wanted me to
Me: I was holding it up to the stage with a pen attached
Craig: Oh I’m sorry

This is when he starts signing my cane

Me: It’s alright dude, I didn’t see it either (totally dead pan and yes I’m a nerd and said dude)

Silence for about five seconds where I assume he was trying to gage my seriousness or maybe if I am even really blind. Once the evaluation was properly calculated he burst out laughing exclaiming “I love it.”

For a split second I thought about taking the opportunity that had presented itself and asked him if he would buy a copy of Clandestine How cool would that have been to have a famous person agree to check out your very first book. Then I could be like “hey Craig and me are “like this” (this is where I’d cross my fingers) and he even owns a copy of my book.” But the book isn’t technically out yet since the release is of course set for next month. That would be wicked cool though but I didn’t think it was appropriate. Lol I wish I would have had a copy with me I could have just gave it to him… DANG IT! If only the concert was after it was out! lol

But seriously, Princess and I had a wonderful time at the concert and the conversation after is something I will never forget. I’m going to have to get a new cane now though but it’s completely worth it. I will keep this one forever. Craig Campbell is a sweetheart and very down to earth as well as good natured to my corky sarcasm. I had a blast and can’t wait for him to come to town again.

PS… I really wanted a 2012 tour shirt for my daughter but unfortunately they were out of her size by the time we got up in the line. If anyone from Craig’s crew ever reads this I would love to know where I can get one for her. She really wanted that one because it had Longview WA written on the back as one of his many tour stops. She still got a different one but still really wants that one. I would really appreciate it and since we are “like this” and all… lol Just kidding
I went to a concert with Princess. It was for a country singer named Craig Campbell at the local fair in my small hole in the wall town. He’s a down home country boy with an adorable southern accent.

Even not being able to see, I thoroughly enjoyed myself at the concert and would go and see him again no questions asked. He sang not only his own awesome songs but also those by artists such as Alabama, Merl Haggerd, Tracy Bird, etc.

He was a very personable entertainer that had the crowd laughing on several occasions. What was more powerful still was the way everyone cheered for the songs they knew and even for those they didn’t. They stomped there feet loud enough that at times it sounded like thunder rolling through the stadium and often clapped in time with his beats.

The crowd on the ground worked hard for Craig’s attention and some were lucky enough to get a free T-Shirt or in the case of one young lady a story to tell. She had purchased a pair of Craig Campbell sunglasses from the merchandise booth and she handed them up to the singer while he was performing. He gladly took them and even wore them through part of one of his songs. He used her camera and took a picture of himself wearing her glasses. This of course gave me an idea.

I leaned over and asked my friend, “Do you think he would sign my cane?”

She thought there was a decent chance of it so she led me as well as Princess down on the ground in front of the stage. We were close enough to it that I could touch the floor of it. Every time he started our way my friend had me raise the cane up high tilted towards the stage. She attached a sharpie pen to the elastic band that is connected to the handle. Unfortunately though Craig didn’t see our efforts because that was around the time he was tossing out T-Shirts to people.

After the concert he was kind enough to stay long enough for everyone who wanted an autograph could get one. The line was gynormous and I thought we would be there for hours. It moved fairly quickly though once it got going. I bought Princess a shirt that she could have signed and excitement was vibrating off of her as we moved through the line. She wanted me to get in a picture with him and her when we got up there but I admit I was apprehensive. I don’t normally like pictures even on a regular circumstance. So… you can imagine my predicament when little Miss Princess wants me to pose with a celebrity.

When we got up for our turn with Craig he signed my daughter’s shirt and was very friendly. I felt silly directly asking him to sign my cane and started to lose my nerve. My friend however, did not.

Once she asked he accepted of course with no issue. The smart ass in me came out in full force and I said…

Me: I tried to get you to sign it while you were singing but you didn’t see it.
Craig: I saw you… you were the one over there
Me: Well than why didn’t you sign it?
Craig: I didn’t know you wanted me to
Me: I was holding it up to the stage with a pen attached
Craig: Oh I’m sorry

This is when he starts signing my cane

Me: It’s alright dude, I didn’t see it either (totally dead pan and yes I’m a nerd and said dude)

Silence for about five seconds where I assume he was trying to gage my seriousness or maybe if I am even really blind. Once the evaluation was properly calculated he burst out laughing exclaiming “I love it.”

For a split second I thought about taking the opportunity that had presented itself and asked him if he would buy a copy of Clandestine How cool would that have been to have a famous person agree to check out your very first book. Then I could be like “hey Craig and me are “like this” (this is where I’d cross my fingers) and he even owns a copy of my book.” But the book isn’t technically out yet since the release is of course set for next month. That would be wicked cool though but I didn’t think it was appropriate. Lol I wish I would have had a copy with me I could have just gave it to him… DANG IT! If only the concert was after it was out! lol

But seriously, Princess and I had a wonderful time at the concert and the conversation after is something I will never forget. I’m going to have to get a new cane now though but it’s completely worth it. I will keep this one forever. Craig Campbell is a sweetheart and very down to earth as well as good natured to my corky sarcasm. I had a blast and can’t wait for him to come to town again.

PS… I really wanted a 2012 tour shirt for my daughter but unfortunately they were out of her size by the time we got up in the line. If anyone from Craig’s crew ever reads this I would love to know where I can get one for her. She really wanted that one because it had Longview WA written on the back as one of his many tour stops. She still got a different one but still really wants that one. I would really appreciate it and since we are “like this” and all… lol Just kidding

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Princess's First Day Of School

Hey everyone:)

I just wanted to drop you a quick note about how Princess's first day of school. It went off without a hitch! She totally loved it!

She made new friends and reunited with friends from her old elementary school. She has at least a few friends in each class. All the teachers apparently were very cool and fun to listen to.

The only complaint that she had was about lunch. She said that it tasted stail. I personally don't see how since it is the first day of school and everything should be fresh. I think she's just picky. lol

Believe it or not, so far she is in love with school. She can't wait for tomorrow and I hope the good feeling train keeps rolling through.

My Baby's Growing Up

Today my Princess starts her very first day of Junior High. She will have eight classes, a locker, lunch in a cafeteria and will be riding the bus. I can't help the tears as I get ready to send her off.

I know that growing up is a part of life. I get it, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. I want to keep my girls little bundles of joy forever. I want them to need me and never leave the nest.

She is very excited and scared all rolled into one wild mixed emotion. She got ready way earlier then she needed to and watched out the door for other kids to travel down to the bus stop.

I want such good things for her today. I hope that she loves her classes. I pray that she doesn't have trouble with her locker combination. I wish that she will make several hand fulls of new friends and lasting connections. I antisipate that she will miss recess, but think she won't mind.

I send with her strength, courage, warmth and love. I send with her a little bit of spit-fire tangled with consideration. I send with her the ability to know that a thick skin is required, but not necessary because she will do just fine.

My baby is a tower of strength at times you wouldn't think she'd stand. She is brave even when she is petrified. She's funny in times of great apprehension and she knows the difference between right and wrong.

For the entire second half of summer I anxiously awaited this day and couldn't hardly stand the need to enjoy the silence. Now that the day is here staring me in the face, I'm craving the noise and will miss her all day.

PS... I write later and let you know how it goes when she gets home:)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Ratings are Rolling In

So I know it's a little corny, but I just don't care. I'm so excited! I'm starting to get ratings on Good Reads!!!

Clandestine has only been out for a few weeks and the ratings are already starting to roll in. I loged into Good Reads this evening and discovered that I had gotten a couple more FIVE STAR ratings from readers!

So far I haven't gotten anything lower than FIVE STARS! Granted I only have seven ratings total, but still. That's not the point.

The book is available on both Amazon and Barnes and Noble in paperback and in formats for your Kindle and Nook. The cover is amazing so a paperback is the best option for your viewing pleasure. You can get it at the online stores already mentioned, or also directly from my Create Space eStore by clicking HERE I would very much appreciate it if you all helped support my dream and pick up a copy today. It's a great book and if you love paranormal you will love this series.

The other request I have is simple. Will all of you please visit the book pages at Amazon, Barnes and Noble as well as Create Space and press the like button. It would really help me get the word out and I would be eternally grateful.

Don't forget to sign up for my Clandestine Give Away on Good Reads There's still plenty of time and entering is as easy as one click!
