!Now Available!

Clandestine, the first installment in the Young Adult Paranormal series Bound In Blood is available in both Print and EBook. It can be purchased at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Create Space

Monday, July 23, 2012

A Little About New Projects And A Little About Clandstine

I just got back from camping today and it’s been a very productive writing day. My kids have been absorbed in activities that they haven’t been able to do much in the last week or so which has allowed me to be very efficient with my latest project.

I am super excited about it because the main character of this one is a totally blind person. It isn’t as easy as you would think to write a character like that. Sure I can’t see so I can easily get into the person’s head to write them that’s true. But a reader (especially a sighted reader) wants description. A blind reader wants description too but for a different reason. I live by the saying that an audio book is a blind person’s television. This is because you don’t miss anything when you read like you do when you listen to your favorite show or movie.

Anyway as always I’m veering off track. In order to make a blind main character work affectively I have decided to make her someone who became blind rather than someone who was born that way. She has only been blind for a year so she is still in the stage where she is pretty much a Debbie Downer on the subject. It hasn’t dawned on her yet in the book that blindness isn’t the end of the world.

I went through a lot of mixed emotions when I lost my sight. I have also had gobs of people ask what that was like and how it felt. I thought it would be a good element to add to the story of such a multi faceted character.

The book is still in the beginning stages so I don’t want to give away much but I will tell you that I’m only at chapter 4 and I’m already falling in love with it. Don’t get me wrong I love Clandestine too but in an entirely different way. The Bound In Blood series is fun to write and I have put a lot into it. But with this project I’ve really delved into my soul and put a piece of my soul into it.

I hope you adore this story as much as I do. I am unsure yet if it will be a series but can definitely see the potential for one with the plot that is unraveling.

I promise to keep you up to date on that and also with the second book in the Bound In Blood series Divinity whenever possible. I know I have been neglecting my blogs lately and for that I’m sorry, I truly am. But its summer time so both kids are home full time, we’ve been camping a bunch and also been devoted to the new books I’m working on coupled with getting Clandestine out for your viewing pleasure.

There have been a lot of questions about whether or not Clandestine will be made into an audio book. When it is released it will only be available in print and EBook. BUT I promise that an audio version will be made available as soon as that is possible. Unfortunately, the production of an audio book is very expensive. I looked into hiring a narrator but the cheapest I have found is five hundred dollars and right now that is just not an option for me. That is definitely one down side to self publishing, accessible formats take a while if they come at all.

I have been looking into finding someone I know read it for me but that isn’t as easy as it looks either. I have to be sure the person has the right quality and tone to their voice to portray Emily as well as the rest of the slayer gang. It will be done I promise. I’m just not sure when.

I will write again soon and let you know how things are going. PS… I will be posting this same post on both my blogs so all of you will be equally informed.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


It’s only a few hours away from officially being the 4th of July. I must confess that this is probably my favorite holiday. I have always loved it and even now without my sight I feel like a kid again every time all the big booms start.

Of course the gorgeous illumination of the sparkling lights is lost on me but I can still imagine them in my mind. I can still feel the rumble of the really big ones and still jump every time they go off.

I enjoy listening to my girls get excited every time a new color pattern brightens up the sky after dark. Peanut of course loves all of them but especially gets a kick out of the green ones since that’s her favorite color. Princess is mainly after the bomb style hold on to your butt explosions. She especially loves that starting last year she got to light some off on her own. PS there was an adult with her the entire time. Mommy’s a little paranoid just sayin

Tomorrow we will be spending the day with family for a fun day of barbeque and fireworks. Even though the whole family won’t be in attendance I know the day will go off without a hitch.

I hope you all have a happy and say 4th. May all your pyrotechnic dreams come true… lol

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Nicole's Revolution

So I’ve been seriously considering lately that I need to start a revolution. The only problem is I don’t have any ideas. I know I could totally start one, no really I could. I don’t have any super powers and I’m not as exciting as some revolution starters but I still think I got what it takes.

I was thinking the first step should be to start a petition to abolish the production and sale of Marshmallow Peeps. I know that might seem small in the big scheme of things but sometimes it takes baby steps to win the war. Those weird little things are disturbing and they have to go.

Maybe next I could politely inform stores that the woman’s department should change their sizing practices. For instance, a large could actually say small on the label. Honestly, that’s just good business sense. Ladies would much rather purchase a dress that made her feel smaller and better about herself. Plus, who wants to say they are a large when they could say they are a small. If the stores banded together and made this dream a reality then when someone said they were a small they wouldn’t get the strange looks implying they were nuts. Just sayin…

The third step should be something less obvious. Maybe it would look as though I’m doing nothing but that’s the beauty of it. In reality I would be behind the scenes making something happen. It would be glorious and wonderful you just wouldn’t know what it was.

Okay, so it looks like I have the start of a good plan. I of course would love all the support I can get. That being said… WHO’S WITH ME????

LOL: Stay tuned for the next ridiculous installment of Nicole’s Revolution.